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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Great is....

This morning I woke up from a dream where I was in my highschool cafeteria sitting around a table with friends . For some reason I began to sing softly the words to the hymn "Great is Thy Faithfulness" As I began to sing a little louder, my friends looked at me and were just a little embarrassed.... but one by one they began to join my song and even began to harmonize with me. By the end of my song I was singing at the top of my lungs like some great operatic baritone

The dream ended and I woke up. I am thinking back to high school that I was never very sure of myself, even with "friends" I always felt like a perenial nerd... I did well grade wise but i always felt socially awkward and never really confident of what the day or my future held for me. I tried to live for Jesus... it was in the Jesus People era...I grew my hair long...carved out a wooden cross and wore it around my neck with a leather thong...carried my bible ...trying to show my peers that I was a Christian from outward perspective. I was not a bold witness... just a shy guy trying to live for Jesus...I should have shown more of what was happening from the inside out...

So back to my dream....If I could look back at my awkward days and my non confident days and sing "Great is Thy Faithfulness" ...If I could look back at my social backwardness and feelings of being king of the nerds and see and sing loudly of God's faithfulness...maybe just maybe God is reminding me that today when I seemingly have it a little more together but still feeling unsure about the future...I can still break out in song Great is Thy Faithfullness, O God... you never change although the future might and probaly change directions a dozen times... You O Lord are my Rock of Stability on which I can stand and sing Great,Great Great is your Faithfulness unto me.

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